$MEM Node Looping Success and upcoming $MEM Innovative Nodes.

Magic Ethereum Money
3 min readMar 7, 2022


Time for another update regarding Magic Ethereum Money’s innovative node looping strategy, along with some (admittedly, I’m biased) other incredible information.

To begin, $MEM’s node looping model, which has been working as intended, has proven to be far more lucrative and secure than initially imagined. When we originally created this model, as we have mentioned in our past articles, we had a main focus: migrate away from a volume-based reflationary model into something more secure for our holders and investors, while also being able to give them the rewards that they desire. After about 2–3 weeks of watching this model behave under scrutiny and meticulously curating it to the ever-changing and ever-expanding space, we are pleased to say that not only have we achieved what we set out to do initially, but have far surpassed it, as it continues to grow parabolically. As we mentioned in our previous article, $MEM Progress Update, we had great success with our initial investments into our Tier II and Tier III nodes, where this created the opportunity to roll rewards into several Tier IV (high risk and high reward) projects with the idea to loop them around into Tier I nodes in order to strengthen the structural integrity of the entire model and ensure longevity. This allowed us to increase our daily dollar ROI without injecting any more treasury money into the entire model ecosystem.

As the success of the model has become increasingly apparent through the previous information, we have been able to diversify into more projects to increase our daily gain.

We were able to secure a strategic investment with $COKEN, where we were able to mint 10 of their highest-tier nodes, Kingpins, which are currently yielding about $300 per day into our treasury. Once again, we want to reiterate that this was all without any more extraneous money being injected into this model, and was entirely possible by rolling rewards carefully from more secure investments under a watchful eye.

To put this into perspective, when we initiated the node looping model, we were originally yielding about $2,600.00 in daily revenue. Through utilization of this model and meticulous care, this model now yields about $3,500.00 daily, all without any external investments beyond the first node purchases. As this model grows to add more arms of revenue to bring into our portfolio and treasury, these assets will continue to yield revenue for us, and we will continue to build on top of them. It is a never-ending loop which will continuously increase our revenue, all without structural risk inherent to single-project treasuries or economic models.

Magic Ethereum Money has also made several other strategic investments which will be outlined in our next article as we allow them time to mature.

The key takeaway from this information is that our model is not only working as intended, but is growing and exceeding our expectations. As this model continues to grow, the holders of $MEM will be rewarded greatly.

Beyond the news of our looping strategy, we are pleased to say that we have solidified the model of our own personal $MEM nodes. We have been working diligently behind the scenes to create a node model that does not imitate all the current node projects that are recycling the same models and tokenomics to create something unique, innovative, and strongly-rewarding for our $MEM investors and holders. We feel that we finally have a model that properly fit within those parameters, while also allowing us the ability to expand upon and add more features as we see fit in the future. Our current node model will allow:

  • Reduced sell pressure
  • Incentivized buy pressure
  • Our very own “double-gain” value proposition to noders, which will, quite literally, allow $MEM noders to “double gain”
  • An ever-extending runway versus a runway that gets depleted as time goes on, which is a current problem with most node projects
  • A sustainable and longevity-insured competitive daily ROI in both $ and %
  • And much, much more.

With the solidified model, we have now begun development on our own $MEM nodes, and are expected to launch in March. Holders of $MEM prior to our node launch should expect to see bonus rewards when $MEM nodes launch, in a variety of ways.

Be sure to be on the lookout for our next article!

~ Magic Ethereum Money.



Magic Ethereum Money

A PaaS/ IaaS token. Using an inflation/ reflection pumping mechanism to grow a holders bag value without diluting the innate token value.